Collection: Earthworms

The larvae of several moth species that live underground and feed on plant roots, causing plants to weaken and die.



What are earthworms?

Earthworms are the larvae of certain beetles, mainly the cockchafer, June beetle and rose beetle. These larvae live in the soil, where they feed on the roots of grasses and other plants. Cutworms can cause significant damage to lawns, vegetable gardens and other crops by weakening or killing plants by cutting off their roots. They are often considered a pest and are controlled with a variety of methods including biological pesticides, nematodes and manual removal.

What damage do cutworms cause?

Earthworms can cause significant damage to plants, crops and lawns. Here are some specific examples of the damage they can cause:

Root damage:Cutworms feed on the roots of plants, leading to root cutting and weakening of the plant. This can lead to reduced growth, development and ultimately death of the plant.

Crop damage:In agriculture, cutworms can cause serious damage to crops such as corn, wheat, potatoes and other vegetables. By damaging the roots, they can reduce yields and even destroy entire crops.

Lawn damage:Earthworms can also damage lawns, such as those on golf courses, sports fields and lawns. They cause bare spots, brown spots and weakened turf, making the lawn look unsightly and less functional.

Consequential damage:When plants are weakened by cutworms, they can become more susceptible to other pests, diseases and stressors. This can result in further damage to the affected plants and negatively impact the overall health of the crop or lawn.