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4 Reasons: Yellow Sticky Traps & Nematodes Essential against Mourning Flies

Mourning flies can be a real nuisance for plant lovers. But did you know that you can effectively combat these small invaders with something as simple as yellow sticky traps? Below we explain why yellow sticky traps are a must-have in your fight against plant pests and how to use them optimally.

1. The Magic of Yellow: A Fly Magnet

Mourning flies, like many other flying insects, are irresistibly attracted to the color yellow. By placing yellow butterfly adhesive plates strategically around your plants, you can effectively catch adult flies and prevent them from laying eggs.

2. Strategic Placement for Maximum Catch

It is crucial to position the sticky traps correctly for best results. Stick the plates in the ground with the sticky side up, just above the potting soil where fungus flies like to lay their eggs. This way you catch the flies at the perfect moment.

3. Regular Refreshment Keeps the Catch Optimal

To ensure that your sticky traps are always ready for action, it is important to check and replace them regularly. After all, a plate full of flies no longer catches new flies. Keep your sticky traps clean and sticky for continuous protection.

4. Stay Alert: Consistent Monitoring is Key

Effective control of fungus flies requires more than just placing sticky traps. Continue to inspect your plants regularly and combine different methods for the best protection. For example, consider adding nematodes against fungus flies to your defense strategy. These natural enemies of fungus fly larvae can be a powerful ally in your garden.

Additional Protection: Nematodes and More

In addition to yellow sticky traps, nematodes offer a natural and effective way to tackle fungus flies at the root. Discover our nematodes against thrips and Phasmarhabditis californica for a broad spectrum of protection against various pests.

By taking an integrated approach and using both physical traps and biological control agents such as nematodes, you can maintain a healthy and thriving garden, free of fungus flies and other pests. Visit our nematode collection for more information and to find your ideal plant protection.

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